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A Message from Principal Russell

Dear Apollo Families:  

I'm delighted to welcome all of our students back into our building for the 2024-2025 school year at Apollo.  Here, you will find a sense of family unparalleled in other elementary schools. Our diversity makes us strong, and it’s that diversity that makes Apollo such a special place to be.

Please know that it takes much more than just our staff to enable success for our students; it takes a partnership between school and home. We encourage you to get involved in any and every way that you can this year.

Don’t hesitate to contact me as the year progresses. It’s going to be an amazing year at Apollo!   Your Partner in Education,

Elizabeth Russell

Estimadas familias de Apollo,

Me complace dar la bienvenida a todos nuestros estudiantes a nuestro edificio para el año escolar 2024-2025 en Apollo. 
Aqui, encontraras una sensación de familia incomparable a otras escuelas primarias. Nuestra diversidad nos hace fuertes, y es esa misma diversidad que hace Apolo un lugar tan especial.

Por favor, sepa que se necesita mucho más que nuestro personal para posibilitar el éxito de nuestros estudiantes; se necesita una colaboración entre la escuela y el hogar. Les animamos a participar en cualesquiera y en todos los sentidos posibles este año escolar.

No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo a lo largo del año. Va a ser un año increíble en Apolo!
Su socio en la Educación,

Elizabeth Russell

About Principal Russell

Apollo Principal since 2023 - and Assistant Principal at the school since 2021 - Ms. Russell is a long-time member of the D63 team. She joined the District in 2012 as a multiage classroom teacher at Melzer after having previously taught at Glenview District 34's Hoffman School. During her time here at our District, she has also served as a Literacy Specialist and Instructional Coach at Gemini.

Ms. Russell holds an M.A. in reading education from Concordia University - and a second M.A. in educational leadership from the American College of Education. She earned her B.S. in elementary education from Illinois State University.